Happy Victoria Day Wishes, Cards, and Letters

Why Create Happy Victoria Day Wishes, Cards, and Letters

It’s no secret that consumers are most receptive during holidays.

It’s also evident that Victoria Day, a holiday that celebrates Queen Victoria’s birthday, is one of those cheerful events on the calendar that Canadians love to celebrate! The holiday is appealing due to the strong feelings it evokes in people and the happy memories it inspires.

As summer approaches, people know warm weather is approaching and with it the freedom to travel and escape their stressful lives. This means marketers can use the Victoria Day holidays to promote their services and boost sales by utilizing direct marketing efforts. 

Postalytics offers templates to create Happy Victoria Day wishes, cards, and letters to make it as quick, simple, and affordable as email.

When do we celebrate Victoria Day?

Victoria Day (Fête de la Reine in French) is a federal Canadian public holiday celebrated every year on the last Monday preceding May 24, honoring the birthday of Queen Victoria. It is a public holiday in seven territories and three provinces. It is occasionally referred to as the “beginning of summer” in Canada.

When is Victoria Day in 2024?

In 2024 the holiday falls on Monday, May 20, and the day will be a designated retail closing day.

Why do we celebrate Victoria’s Day?

The day marks the birthday of Queen Victoria, Britain’s monarch, in 1867, when Canada first became a country. The holiday is an opportunity to celebrate all the beautiful aspects of Canadian culture while honoring Queen Victoria, who was considered a strong and influential lady. Canadians will all be wishing one another “very happy Victoria Day.”

In the 19th Century, people celebrated the birthday of Queen Victoria with much enthusiasm. Festivities included firing a gun salute and singing serenades in honor of Queen Victoria over this long weekend holiday. On this special day, there were also athletic competitions, picnics, and luminous displays. After Queen Victoria died in 1901, her birthday became Victoria Day. This was done in honor of Queen Victoria being the “Mother of Confederation.”

How is Victoria Day celebrated?

Victoria Day holiday (known as May Two-Four) is marked with much enthusiasm, with celebrations such as a fireworks display and people wishing one another a “very happy Victoria Day.” People have traditionally celebrated this annual event in parks with friends and family. 

The march is one of the festive events dedicated to the royal celebrations, showcasing Canadian and American marching bands, musical floats, and clowns, among other things. There are also games, concerts, sporting events, and other celebrations during the entire duration of May Two-Four in Canada.

Victoria Day activities

The Victoria Day weekend is a time of celebration for most Canadians, marking the end of winter and the unofficial beginning of the summer season. However, it’s not all about the queen. It’s a day full of fun and relaxation and majestic parades, so people enjoy their time off with these activities:

  • Homeowners plant summer crops or sow seeds in their gardens.
  • Summer sports and recreational activities start, and Canadians can enjoy city tours, parks, bike rentals, and outdoor restaurants.
  • Those with holiday homes open them up and enjoy their first summer vacation.
  • In Victoria, British Colombia, a Victoria Day Parade is held.
  • Ashbridge’s Bay Beach and Ontario Place in Toronto have firework displays for the queen.
  • Clarington, Ontario, hosts car racing.
  • Parliament Hill holds a Trooping the Color ceremony.
  • Halifax, Nova Scotia, hosts the Scotiabank Blue Nose Marathon.
  • Kaslo, British Columbia, hosts logger sports events.

Another Victoria Day tradition is that people drink the two-four (twenty-four beers), marking the original date of the celebration, May 24.

How can marketers drive more sales during Victoria Day?

The list above of Victoria Day activities presents marketing opportunities for businesses in multiple sectors on this official holiday. Much like Thanksgiving, Halloween, and Christmas, Victoria Day is a special day and can be used to your advantage as a small business. Besides wishing clients a “Very Happy Victoria Day” and best wishes, here are some ways you can market your business on Victoria Day.

Host a sale

One of the best ways to offer value to your current and prospective customers is through a sale on Queen Victoria’s birthday. But, beyond just cutting prices, you can get involved in the holiday’s spirit by focusing your sales event on items that are particularly useful on a day traditionally dedicated to outdoor gatherings.

Partner up with another business

Do you own a restaurant in Quebec? It doesn’t mean you can’t help advertise for a florist in Quebec. No matter your business, it’s beneficial to partner up with a non-competitor. Work together, and you’ll reach a greater audience.

Introduce a loyalty program

One of the easiest ways to market is using your existing customer list. Reach out to them with a Happy Victoria Day Wishes postcard and let them know how much you’ve appreciated their support in the past. Use the opportunity to announce the launch of your loyalty program in honor of Queen Victoria, as it will both thank and reward them for future support.

Victoria Day wishes, cards and letters

Sending a Victoria Day card with a photo of the British monarch to your loved ones and clients is an incredible way of celebrating this federal holiday in Canada. Make it an occasion full of celebrations with Happy Victoria Day wishes and Happy Victoria Day messages. 

Postalytics makes sending Victoria Day wishes, cards, and letters easy using our pre-built letter and postcard templates. Our automated direct mail service prints and mails your Victoria Day campaign in Canada. Above all, you can track your campaign from your dashboard, just like an email campaign or any digital promotion.

Direct mail letters

In the past, you had to hire an agency to design a direct marketing letter, but now Postalytics handles everything from letter design to printing and mailing it. One of the many benefits Postalytics offers is the ability to create an automated sales letter in our letter editor. You can create templates from scratch or use Postalytics pre-built letter and envelope templates.

Direct mail postcards

Postcards are a great way to target specific audiences. With Postalytics’ software, you can quickly and easily create postcards for your direct mailing campaigns. You can do this online with various editable templates or design your own from scratch. You can use Postalytics’ intuitive drag-and-drop tools to make this easy.

When is the last mailing date for Victoria Day?

Postalytics uses Canada Post’s Personalized Mail. We estimate the delivery time to most of Canada will be 5-7 business days, which makes the last mailing date for Victoria Day May 11, 2024. So make a note of this occasion if you plan on paying tribute to this holiday through a marketing campaign. 

How can marketers celebrate Victoria Day?

Campaign dashboard at Postalytics – schedule your entire Happy Victoria Day campaign with a few clicks

Mail is an under-exploited channel for businesses in Canada. One reason for this in the past was the lack of features that allowed for personalization. This is no longer a problem as Postalytics offers personalization as part of our bundled offering. Postalytics makes direct mail affordable and accessible to anyone who wants to let their customers know they care this Victoria Day. Queen Victoria would be proud!

To get started with Postalytics, sign up and customize any of our free postcard templates or letter templates.

About the Author

Dennis Kelly
Dennis Kelly

Dennis Kelly is CEO and co-founder of Postalytics. Dennis joined Boingnet, the predecessor to Postalytics, in 2013. Boingnet was focused on providing print and direct mail marketing service providers the ability to add digital marketing channels to their direct mail campaigns. Postalytics is Dennis’ 6th startup. He has been involved in starting and growing early-stage technology ventures for over 30 years and has held senior management roles at a diverse set of large technology firms including Computer Associates, Palm Inc. and Achieve Healthcare Information Systems.