How Real Estate Marketers Can Skyrocket Leads with GoHighLevel and Postalytics

How Real Estate Marketers Can Skyrocket Leads with GoHighLevel and Postalytics

GoHighLevel is a powerful tool that has built a strong presence in the marketing and sales space. 

It helps real estate marketers streamline their CRM needs, generate leads, and create powerful campaigns from one platform. But that’s only the tip of the iceberg. 

Many of our clients use the GoHighLevel and Postalytics integration. It allows them to automate real estate direct marketing campaigns and keep track of response rates and conversions.

Let’s find out more about what you can do with this integration. 

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What is GoHighLevel?

GoHighLevel is a comprehensive marketing and business management platform. It’s designed for agencies, marketers, and businesses looking to streamline their operations and scale their client services. 

GoHighLevel offers a wide variety of functionalities, including:

  • Customer relationship management (CRM)
  • Sales funnel creation tools 
  • Marketing automation for email, SMS, and social media marketing
  • A website builder that facilitates the creation of professional websites and landing pages
  • Appointment scheduling features that aid in managing calendars and bookings.
  • Analytical reporting that offers robust data sets

Postalytics’ integration with GoHighLevel allows marketers to draw data from CRM. They can then use this data to personalize direct campaigns with variable images that hit the mark.

GoHighLevel Key Features for Real Estate Marketers

GoHighLevel offers a range of different features for real estate marketing. Let’s look at the seven best features.

GoHighLevel offers a range of different features for real estate marketing. Let’s look at the seven best

CRM Integration

GoHighLevel’s CRM integration centralizes lead management, automates follow-ups, and facilitates personalized communication. Marketers can organize leads, automate tailored follow-up sequences, and personalize communication based on client preferences. Its task and appointment management features to ensure no opportunity is missed.

Multi-Channel Communication

The platform’s communication for multi-channel campaigns allows marketers to reach real estate clients through email, SMS, direct mail, and social media from a single platform. This feature streamlines communication by enabling consistent messaging across channels. Real estate marketers can maintain constant contact with clients, delivering timely updates and personalized messages. These features enhance client engagement and satisfaction. 

Instant Property Listing Sharing

GoHighLevel’s instant property listing sharing feature empowers real estate marketers to share property listings with potential buyers across multiple platforms. 

This capability informs buyers about available properties, enhancing visibility and attracting more interested parties. This helps real estate marketers showcase properties to a wider audience. It also helps accelerate the sales process and maximize opportunities for successful transactions. 

End-to-End Automation

End-to-end automation allows real estate businesses to streamline and automate various business processes from start to finish. It encompasses tasks and workflows across different stages of customer engagement and operations. 

For example, a potential buyer visits a real estate agency’s website and fills out a contact form to inquire about a property. With GoHighLevel, this lead is automatically captured and added to the CRM. Subsequently, an automated direct mail is triggered. This provides the lead with more information about the property and scheduling an appointment for a virtual tour. The CRM updates the lead’s status based on their interactions, and if they confirm the appointment, it is instantly added to both the agent’s and the lead’s calendar. 

Sales Funnel Management

GoHighLevel’s sales funnel management allows real estate marketers to create customized funnels. These funnels guide potential clients through the buying process. Marketers can design funnels tailored to specific property types or buyer personas, streamlining lead conversion. 

By incorporating automation, such as direct mail sequences and appointment scheduling, into each stage of the funnel, GoHighLevel helps ensure a cohesive and efficient client journey. This approach maximizes lead engagement and boosts sales for real estate agencies.

Reporting & Analytics

Businesses can track, analyze, and present key performance metrics and insights across various aspects of marketing, sales, and customer engagement. Real estate marketers no longer need to spend hours collating information. Instead, they can create and share these reports with GoHighLevel.

Virtual Viewings

GoHighLevel’s virtual viewing feature enables real estate marketers to conduct immersive property tours remotely. Buyers can explore properties from the comfort of their homes through live video streaming or prerecorded tours. This functionality expands the reach of the listing, attracting distant buyers. It also saves time for both parties, accelerating the sales process and enhancing efficiency and closing rates.

Top 7 Benefits of GoHighLevel For Real Estate Marketing 

Real estate marketers can benefit in many ways by integrating GoHighLevel with tools like Postalytics. 

Here, we’ll cover seven key benefits and how you can implement this integration for your business.

1. Use Customizable Lead Capture Forms

If there’s one thing all real estate marketers agree on, the competition is fierce. In such a scenario, generating leads is challenging. What if there was an easy way to capture high-quality leads?

GoHighLevel offers lead capture forms that can be embedded on landing pages or social channels. 

With our built-in Drag & Drop feature, it has never been easier. Whether you want to integrate them into your own site, or use HighLevel’s page builder, we've got you covered.

For example, say a buyer reads your blog on “How to buy the right property in XYZ neighborhood.” They could be a lead you won’t want to miss out on. You can embed a lead capture form for valuable market insights in exchange for their email address.

This way, you can capture leads automatically for your real estate agency and funnel them toward the platform’s CRM for further action.

2. Provide Excellent Customer Experience

Providing great customer experience can make or break a deal in the real estate industry. 

Through features like automated follow-ups, personalized property recommendations, and virtual viewings, real estate agents can engage with clients and provide timely assistance. 

By centralizing tasks such as appointment scheduling and property inquiries, GoHighLevel empowers agents to deliver prompt and personalized service. This fosters satisfaction and trust among clients in the real estate process. They also offer a range of readymade templates geared towards real estate. For example, you can create professional-looking emails within minutes.

Real Estate GoHighLevel Templates

3. Get a Unified Messaging Platform

GoHighLevel offers a unified messaging platform that centralizes conversations with leads and clients. For example, your agents can see interactions across email and social media channels.

Get a Unified Messaging Platform

This helps them respond promptly and provide better customer service.
If you see some of your leads inactive when it comes to email responses, you can trigger direct mail campaigns to push them down the sales funnel. For example, a client of ours boosted ROI by 30% by triggering direct mail to email non-responders.

4. Trigger Direct Mail Using GoHighLevel Data

Do you sometimes wish you had a tool to automate sending direct mail when a prospect/customer takes a specific action? You can do that with the triggered direct mail feature of Postalytics.

Then, when you setup your marketing automation or CRM workflow from HubSpot, Salesforce, ActiveCampaign, Keap or Zapier, just map the fields from your contact record:

You can base these triggers on specific actions, including: 

  • Subscribing to your email list
  • Making a purchase
  • Visiting a particular landing page
  • Reaching a certain milestone in the customer journey

With Postalytics and GoHighLevel integration, you can use data from your CRM to trigger campaigns in Postalytics.

5. Create Custom Pipelines

A pipeline refers to the series of steps or stages that a prospect or lead goes through before becoming a customer. Think of it as a visual representation or framework. It tracks the progression of potential deals from initial contact to conversion. 

GoHighLevel facilitates the creation of custom pipelines that can be tailored to the specific stages of property transactions. Agents can design pipelines reflecting stages like lead generation, property viewing, negotiation, and closing. 

Each stage can be customized with specific actions, like automated follow-ups, appointment scheduling, or document management.

6. Automate Activities

GoHighLevel provides a lot of automation options. The three key automation provided to businesses are:

  • Appointment scheduling automation: This streamlines real estate agents’ booking processes by allowing clients to schedule property viewings from the website. 
  • Follow-up messages automation: You can automate follow-up messages after property inquiries or viewings. Customized email or SMS sequences can be triggered based on client interactions, such as inquiries or property visits. 
  • Direct mail automation: You can use GoHighLevel’s integration with Postalytics to automate your direct mail campaigns and set seamless workflows.

7. Get Powerful Tracking & Analytics

GoHighLevel allows real estate marketers to monitor many metrics. These include website traffic, lead interactions, and conversion rates. By tracking the performance of marketing campaigns and property listings, agents can identify which channels are most effective in generating leads. 

Additionally, GoHighLevel’s analytics enable agents to better understand client behavior and preferences. The data it reveals helps them tailor their approach and provide personalized services. This data-driven approach empowers real estate professionals to make informed decisions.

If you use direct marketing, you can get insights on delivery and response rates by integrating the platform with Postalytics.

Postalytics monitors each mailpiece through production, delivery and response while updating HighLevel continuously.

Boost Results With GoHighLevel-Postalytics Integration

Through this integration, users can sync their GoHighLevel contacts with Postalytics. This allows users to target specific segments of their audience for direct mail campaigns. They can upload contact lists, personalize mail pieces using dynamic fields, and schedule mailings directly within the GoHighLevel interface. 

Postalytics’ tracking capabilities enable users to monitor the delivery and response of their direct mail campaigns in real time. This tracking provides valuable insights into their effectiveness.

That’s the magic in combining the automation features of GoHighLevel with the tangible impact of direct mail through Postalytics. Businesses can create campaigns that engage potential clients across digital and physical channels.

Elevate Your Real Estate Direct Marketing With GoHighLevel

GoHighLevel offers a powerful solution for real estate professionals looking to elevate their direct marketing efforts. 

And by integrating with Postalytics, GoHighLevel can take your marketing to the next level. The integration empowers agents and agencies to create comprehensive marketing strategies combining digital and direct mail channels. To learn more about this integration and how you can implement it for your business, reach out to our team today.