15 Timeless Direct Mail Marketing Strategies

[POSTALYTICS] 15 Timeless Direct Mail Marketing Strategies

Are you looking for strategies to make your direct campaigns more effective or to increase your response rates?

With powerful direct mail marketing strategies, you can deliver a big impact and drive high response rates from your target audience. As the leading direct mail automation platform, we spend a lot of time analyzing the latest and greatest direct mail strategies. 

Ready to elevate your direct mail campaigns and achieve even greater success? Let’s uncover these direct mail secrets and help your business stand out in 2024.

What is Direct Mail Marketing?

Direct mail marketing is a type of marketing that delivers physical materials, like flyers, catalogs, and postcards, directly to your audience’s mailbox. 

These campaigns deliver a personal touch and allow potential customers to contact you easily. They aim to generate more leads, educate your audience, increase sales, and boost customer retention. 

With a direct mail automation platform like Postalytics, you can create, send and track postcards, letters, and other direct mail pieces without hiring designers or experts. 

Why Does Direct Mail Marketing Work? 

Direct mail marketing is an effective way to reach your customers and make a lasting impression. According to research by USPS, 57% of boomers, 45% of GenX, 41% of millennials, and 37% of GenZ would be disappointed if they stopped receiving direct mail. It works because it’s tangible, memorable, and less saturated than digital marketing channels. Savvy marketers use direct mail marketing campaigns to create a powerful omnichannel with email, PPC, and social media. 

Here are more reasons you should adopt it in your marketing plan. 

Direct Mail is Tangible 

People like receiving direct mail. Its tangible nature feels like a more personalized way to connect with brands. Over 91% of direct mail is opened and read today, which shows people appreciate receiving mail more than other forms of communication.  

Direct Mail Speeds Up Decision-Making 

Direct Mail Speeds Up Decision-Making

Direct mail can speed up decision-making by delivering targeted and relevant information to your customers. Unlike digital marketing, which can be overwhelming and difficult to navigate, direct mail provides a clear and concise message that is easy to understand. According to our study, 83% of purchasing decisions were influenced by direct mail.

Direct Mail is Memorable 

With so much digital clutter, it’s impossible to remember which brand sent you an email or what the email’s content was about. Direct mail requires 21% less cognitive effort compared to digital advertising. Direct mail impacts consumers emotionally, improving the chances of recalling later and giving a more memorable experience. 

Direct Mail is Memorable

Direct Mail is Less Saturated 

Most brands opt for online marketing campaigns like email and social media marketing. By including direct mail in your marketing strategy, you can reach consumers through a less saturated medium, increasing your business’s visibility and brand awareness.  

Direct Mail is Creative 

Direct mail lets you play with different formats like postcards, letters and catalogs. Your team is free to design the mail based on the current trend in the market using different colors, designs, and content to make it more attractive and engaging. Postalytics offers easy-to-use tools that don’t require expertise to design professional-looking mail.

Direct Mail is Personal 

A focused direct mail strategy allows you to connect with your customers on a deeper level. Some 71% of consumers say direct mail feels more personal than online digital campaigns. 

By tailoring your message to their interests and needs, you can create a sense of intimacy and demonstrate that you value them as customers. With Postalytics, you can automatically personalize and trigger your direct mail by plugging your CRM and defining triggers. 

How Much Do Direct Mail Campaigns Cost? 

How Much Do Direct Mail Campaigns Cost

The cost of direct mail campaigns depends on various factors. These include; 

  • Campaign’s length,
  • Content type
  • Tools
  • Delivery service

A single direct mail will cost from 30 cents to $10 based on how much you spend on copywriting, design, printing, copywriting, and distribution. 

Postalytics is an incredible cloud-based platform that offers direct mail services at a volume-based price. With the platform’s readymade templates and design capabilities, you won’t have to invest in hiring graphic designers, illustrators, or designers. The best part is that you can personalize, automate and send your mail at scale from a single platform without extra costs.

15 Direct Mail Marketing Campaigns That Work 

Direct mail marketing campaigns are an effective way to connect with your customers. With the right messaging, design and strategy, direct mail can build relationships, drive engagement, and increase sales. 

Here are 15 campaign tactics you can use to create campaigns that meet goals and connect with your audience. 

#1 Personalization 

85% of consumers say they are more likely to open a direct mail when it is personalized. Rather than seeing your direct mail as junk, personalization allows you to take an individualized approach and make your customers feel special. 

But personalization isn’t only using your recipient’s name in the copy or the headline. You can activate variable data and logic features available in Postalytics to customize different elements of your campaign. For example, you can set conditions to display varying visuals for recipients in different locations or tailor offers based on customer preferences. 

These personalization elements make your customers feel included, connected, and satisfied.

These personalization elements make your customers feel included, connected, and satisfied

#2 Trigger Holiday Postcards 

Holidays offer a prime opportunity to build lasting relationships with your customers.

You can trigger holiday postcards to show appreciation and make a personal connection that drives sales and builds customer loyalty. For example, you could thank them for their association with you and offer your loyal customers exclusive products and discount access before you go public with these deals. Many brands also use limited-time deals and discount offers to nudge their customers to complete a purchase.

With Postalytics, you can design and send holiday postcards that stand out and grab your customers’ attention. 

#3 Master the Omnichannel 

Omnichannel marketing is a customer-centric approach that integrates all marketing channels to provide buyers with a unified and consistent experience. This also means sending your recipients the right message at the right time and via the right platform.  

For example, when a visitor subscribes to your newsletter, you can trigger a direct mail campaign that sends them an email encouraging them to try your product or service. 

Postalytics is an ideal platform to use for omnichannel marketing. With Postalytics, you can create a strategic and promising marketing strategy that integrates direct mail and email workflows. Targeting your leads or potential customers from both channels maximizes your chances of compelling them to purchase your services or products. 

#4 Grab Attention with Custom Envelopes 

What’s the first thing your recipients will look at when they get your direct mail? It’s the envelope your direct mail arrives in. The more your envelope looks appealing and catchy, the more credible and trustable you will be in the eyes of your customers. 

You can increase your open and response rates by having your team work on a good envelope design. Postalytics offers a range of appealing envelope options that you can incorporate into your direct mail campaigns. 

While designing these envelopes, ensure your brand name or logo is clearly visible to increase brand recall and visibility. 

#5 Provide Freebies, Vouchers, & Discounts 

We all love getting free services or products, discounts, and vouchers, as do your customers. Incorporating information about discounts, vouchers, and freebies in your mail will help you get the attention you want. 

It also makes conversions faster. For example, if someone wishlists or adds products in the cart on your ecommerce store but does not complete a purchase, you can send them a direct self-mailer with a discount coupon to push customers to complete their purchase. 

When you include these offers in your direct mail campaigns, ensure they are visible. Utilizing QR codes is a great tactic so customers don’t waste time and effort. 

#6 Proper Timing is Key 

Whether you choose direct mail marketing strategies, the timing of your marketing decides the results. It is essential to target people at the right time when they need your service or produce the most. 

Postalytics can help you target customers at the right time in their customer journey. The platform gives you the ability to set up triggered drip campaigns. These campaigns are automatically set based on a certain action or event trigger. 

For example, when someone subscribes to your basic plan, you can trigger a direct mail campaign after a few months to upsell your premium subscription.

#7 Take Advantage of Segmentation 

Market segmentation allows you to target your messages with precision. Segmentation can be done based on demographics like age, income, gender, location, or behavioral and psychographic characteristics like preferences, interests, motivations and previous actions.

Instead of creating and managing lists on all platforms, Postalytics allows you to integrate with your sales and CRM tools like HubSpot and Salesforce. You can import lists and start designing your campaigns with these integrations. 

For example, if you’re a real estate company, you can vary copy or visuals in your campaigns based on the recipient’s location.

#8 Optimize CTAs 

A CTA is a prompt that asks users to perform a specific action, like subscribe to a newsletter, buy a product, or download an ebook. Like you use CTAs on your blog or email campaigns, you must utilize them for your direct mail. 

Here are some CTA best practices you can follow: 

  • Make it clearly visible by using eye-catching colors or text
  • Play with CTA button shapes
  • Use actionable and persuasive language
  • Keep it short
  • Focus on only one or two CTAs per campaign
Power words calls-to-action

With Postalytics, you can optimize your CTAs by identifying key customer behaviors. Additionally, you can include QR codes and URLs that offer easy access to your site to your customers. You can also add contact information so people can call you for further information. 

#9 Reactivate Cold Leads 

Cold leads are potential customers who already know about your business, have engaged with you in the past, and are interested in your services or products. But because you’re not engaging with them or not sending the right marketing material to them, you’re missing out on these conversions. 

Retargeting these cold leads is a great strategy to convert these prospects. Use customer data to learn how to communicate with them. Some want discount codes; others want comparative information between your brand and competitors.  

Based on these preferences, you can set up drip campaigns or personalize each direct mail you send. 

#10 FOMO is Your Friend 

FOMO is a relatively new kind of marketing that shows what your audience is missing out on and compels them to try your product or service. It works on the psychological phenomenon that you’re left out of exciting or rewarding experiences. 

It is an effective form of marketing as it creates a sense of urgency and compels prospects to take action. 

It is an effective form of marketing as it creates a sense of urgency and compels prospects to take action

Some FOMO marketing tactics that you can use for your direct marketing campaigns are: 

  • Offer limited-time offers and flash sales
  • Write about the experience of famous people with your brand
  • Showcase customer testimonials and reviews via user-generated content
  • Show how many purchased a particular product
  • Show stock levels
  • Offer rewards for early decisions

#11 Make it Exclusive 

Exclusivity can gain the attention of your potential consumers. By making their products difficult to get, they increase customer’s desire to have them. 

While you can’t adopt this same principle for mass-consumer products or related services, you can use this principle to encourage people to buy. 

Many businesses provide exclusive access and VIP memberships to their loyal customers. Exclusivity could be in the form of early access to discount days or holiday offers. Promoting these benefits in direct mail campaigns can make your brand more appealing. 

#12 Test, Measure, and Track Campaigns 

You can’t improve what you don’t track. Whether you run a drip campaign, triggered email and mail marketing, or a simple postcard campaign, you need to test and measure it. Tracking your campaigns highlights inconsistencies and mistakes so you can correct or optimize them for future campaigns. 

One KPI that you should include in all your campaigns is response rates. With a direct mail automation platform like Postalytics, you can track this by implementing QR codes and pURLs in your direct mail pieces. When the recipients scan the code, you can track their online activity and see the conversions. 

#13 Use Consistent Messaging 

You need to ensure you deliver consistent messages using multiple channels like direct mail, digital media, or email. If not, your customers can get confused about your brand, products, and offers. 

Consider your goals, preferences, and audience to create a message, and use the same for every marketing strategy. You can change the message based on the type of channel you are using for marketing. For example, the copy’s format or tone may vary for social media and direct mail, but the main goals or message should remain the same. 

#14 Wish Your Customers Happy Birthday

Remembering your customer’s birthday has various advantages. Customers will feel seen and appreciated if you send them unexpected birthday postcards. Being seen and appreciated usually translates to better retention, increased sales, and word-of-mouth marketing. 

Image source 

Many brands also take this one step further by sending discount coupons or gifts on purchases of a predefined limit. If you use this strategy, ensure you’re not sounding too pushy. Give more prominence in your direct mail to wishing them a happy birthday instead of trying to make a sale. 

#15 Use the 40/40/20 Rule 

The 40/40/20 rule indicates that;

  • 40% of your direct mail marketing success depends on your audience
  • 40% depends on your message or offer
  • The remaining 20% depends on everything else, including the envelope, timing, and branding. 

Consider this rule when designing your mail marketing campaign. For example, give more weight to the parts with the highest importance and then prioritize the rest. You can A/B test your direct mail designs to find whether you’re implementing this rule correctly and if it’s making the desired impact.

Buy a Mailing List for Your Niche 

Buy a Mailing List for Your Niche

Users can buy high-quality mailing lists for US addresses directly within the Postalytics app. 

This integration is a response to the challenges of traditional direct mail marketing. It aims to simplify the process of selecting and purchasing mailing lists for marketers. 

We form the lists from various sources and update them monthly to maintain data quality. Marketers can save time and money as they no longer need to deal with list brokers, ensuring a higher ROI. 

Users can select from consumer, occupant, or B2B business lists, with a low-cost option for occupant lists. Micro-targeting is also possible, with lists as small as 20 records. Sign up for a free account today to start purchasing mailing lists. 

Get a free account to acquire your mailing list today. 

See How Direct Mail Boosts Your Marketing 

Direct mail marketing is a powerful tool for businesses looking to connect with their target audience. 

With the help of Postalytics, businesses can create, send, and track their direct mail campaigns without the need for graphic designers or other experts.   

By incorporating these proven direct mail marketing strategies, you can stand out in your industry and achieve marketing goals for 2024 and beyond.

About the Author

Dennis Kelly
Dennis Kelly

Dennis Kelly is CEO and co-founder of Postalytics. Dennis joined Boingnet, the predecessor to Postalytics, in 2013. Boingnet was focused on providing print and direct mail marketing service providers the ability to add digital marketing channels to their direct mail campaigns. Postalytics is Dennis’ 6th startup. He has been involved in starting and growing early-stage technology ventures for over 30 years and has held senior management roles at a diverse set of large technology firms including Computer Associates, Palm Inc. and Achieve Healthcare Information Systems.